Yidio for PC Free Download & Install (Windows & macOS)

Yidio for PC: Do you also want to download and install Android-exclusive apps? Then you have come to the right place. Here we will give you a complete guide on downloading and installing the Yidio app on your PC even when it is not available as the desktop version.

First, let us see what is the Yidio PC.

What is the Yidio for PC?

Yidio – Streaming Guide – Watch TV Shows & Movies is one of the best apps in the entertainment category. It has got over 1,000,000+ installations and an exceptional rating of 3.8 stars from the users. It is a very simple-to-use app and has got a lot of content. It has become very popular among Android users.

Technical Specifications for Yidio for PC:

Title Yidio – Streaming Guide – Watch TV Shows & Movies for PC
Category Entertainment
File size Varies with device
Installations 1,000,000+
Rating 3.8/5.0
Req Android version Varies with device
Developed By Yidio LLC

Download Yidio for PC (.exe)Click on the button to start downloading...

Download Yidio for PC (.exe)Click on the button to start downloading...

So, to download the Yidio app on your Windows 10 8,7 PC, you must use Android emulators. These Android emulators will simulate your laptop’s Android environment and allow you to install and use apps available on the Google Play Store.

The two topmost emulators available on the internet are Bluestacks and MEmu Play.

Now without wasting any further time, let us begin downloading and installing Yidio on your PC.

How to download and install Yidio on a PC?

So, as mentioned above, you must use Android emulators to download Yidio on your PC. The two emulators we can use are Bluestacks and MEmu Play.

Let us first see the process of downloading Yidio by using Bluestacks.

Download Yidio for PC using Bluestacks

Bluestacks is known to be the most trusted and popular Android emulator available for both Windows and Mac platforms. It has a great lighting speed four times more than the Samsung Galaxy S7 phone. It has gained a lot of popularity over the years. Bluestacks is the most preferred method to download Yidio on a PC.

To download Yidio using the Bluestacks app player, you just have to follow the steps which are mentioned below:

Step 1: The first thing you need to do is download Bluestacks software on your computer.

Step 2: After the download is over, double-click on the downloaded bluestacks.exe file to install the application on your Windows PC.

Step 3: Then, launch the Bluestacks app now. You will have to wait for some time as it needs to load the emulator initially.

Step 4: Log in with your Google account on the next screen.

Step 5: Now, on the home screen of Bluestacks, find the Google Play Store app and click on it.

Step 6: Search for the app – “Yidio” once the Google Play Store is opened to download Yidio on your PC.

Step 7: Now click the install button to install Yidio on Bluestacks PC. After the completion of the installation process, you can find the Yidio – Streaming Guide – Watch TV Shows & Movies app icon in the installed apps folder of Bluestacks.

You need to follow these simple steps, and you are good to go.

You can also download the Yidio – Streaming Guide – Watch TV Shows & Movies by downloading the Yidio – Streaming Guide – Watch TV Shows & Movies APK file offline and installing it via Bluestacks using the Install APK option. You will find this option at the bottom of Bluestack’s home screen. This method will only be helpful when you have some mod version of the app and can get the additional benefits. Otherwise, it is better to Download Yidio – Streaming Guide – Watch TV Shows & Movies for PC from the Google Play Store as it is a trusted source for installing apps.

Now let us see how you can download Yidio for PC using MEmu Play.

Download Yidio for PC using MEmu Play

MEmu Play for PC Download is a good emulator for an awesome gaming experience. It is specially designed for games. If you want to play high-end games like PUBG, Battlefield games, NFC, etc., this is your best choice. MEmu is better than Bluestacks in terms of gaming experience as it is specially designed for playing Android games on a PC.

If you want to download Yidio – Streaming Guide – Watch TV Shows & Movies for PC Windows 10/8/7 using Memu Play emulator, then just follow the steps that are mentioned below:

Step 1: You first need to download the Memu Play Emulator on your PC.

Step 2: Install the downloaded .exe file by double-clicking on it. The installation process will immediately start and may take up to 3 minutes to complete.

Step 3: Similar to the Bluestacks method, the Google Play store also comes pre-installed on Memu Play.

Step 4: After installing the emulator, you can see the Google Play Store app on the home screen. Now, double-click on the icon to open it.

Step 5: Log in with your Google account and search for the app you want to install, i.e. Yidio – Streaming Guide – Watch TV Shows & Movies for PC.

Step 6: Then just find the correct app by Yidio LLC and click on the Install button.

You need to follow these simple steps, and you are good to go.

You will find that the Yidio for PC is installed on your PC and the other apps on the home screen. Double-click on the app to open it, and you will see the same UI as your smartphone.

The other good emulators are Ko Player, Nox Player, Andy Emulator, etc. These emulators have also become famous over the years. If you already have these emulators downloaded, you can just download the Yidio app. But it is still recommended that you use Bluestacks and MEmu Play to download and install the Yidio for PC as these are the best android emulators.


Yidio LLC develops this streaming app, one of the best apps with a clean UI in the Entertainment category. You can now download and install this app on your PC as well.

With the above-mentioned Android emulators, you can download the Yidio very easily. I hope that the information provided serves you well and that you find it helpful in downloading the Yidio app on your PC.

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